Thursday, August 12, 2010

School Shopping GALORE!

Lots of great deals this week.
I found that the best one-stop shop for us was Target, but we will also be going to:
Office Max - 10 cent sharpie mini markers and highlighters (limit 3) & pencil sharpeners
Office Depot - 5 cent portfolios & pencil sharpeners, 75 cent sharpie highlighters, $1 (after rebate) HP multipurpose paper

Remember to print off your $1 off post-it sticky notes to score them for FREE at Target (this is a pdf file so you can pring more than one, but I usually only do 2 at a time): HERE\

And be sure to go to the Target website and check out their coupons. Lots of great ones and most can be combined with manufacturer's coupons, too!